Tami Hopf 🇨🇭 🇧🇷

Fri 28 June | Sat 29 July | Sun 30 July

Originally from Brazil, Tami Hopfgartner was born in 1987 in Pouso Alegre. She holds a degree in Visual Communication from Cásper Líbero University in São Paulo. After working for several years as an art director for various design agencies and studios in Brazil, Chile, Australia, and Argentina, she settled in Switzerland in 2013. In 2015, she decided to devote herself entirely to her personal practice and opened her studio in Vevey, where she now resides. Through illustration, street art, and tattooing, she has developed a unique universe, blending reverie and melancholy, filling her subjects with small characteristic dots from her meticulous and detailed work. Her drawings often address themes of life, love, and the paradoxical relationship that humans have with nature.